Welcome to the Guru's Universe...

The Guru's Universe is designed to be the ultimate scientific website. Not only is it the place where you can browse and purchase some of the coolest scientific gadgets on the planet, but you can observe real-time physics experiments, podcasts, videos and photos of all things related to physical science. We even have a full online social networking component where experienced and beginner scientists can gather and share ideas and thoughts (or maybe ask for help on a homework problem).

Our goal is on education and to reduce the silly notion that math and science are 'hard' and out of the reach of most people. We might take a whimsical and fun approach to things, but you'll find the science and technology presented in this site to be the real deal. The universe is a crazy place - so why not let the Guru show you the ropes.

The Guru's Universe is Becoming a Video Series

A new video series based upon the book, "The Guru's Guide to the Universe" is currently in production, with an anticipated release in mid-2019. You can read more about it here.

The Guru's Universe is a video production by Kiwibird Studios in San Diego, CA (www.kiwibirdstudios.com).